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Adler Hotel

Akrez Hotel

Alahan Hotel

Alfa Hotel

Altınkum Hotel

Amore Hotel

Apex Hotel

Askoç Hotel

Avrupa Hotel

Beramus Hotel

Berce Hotel

Beyce Hotel

Beylik Hotel

Bilir Hotel

Blue World Hotel

Bonjourguest House Hotel

Buceleon Hotel

Büyük Paris Hotel

Büyük Şahinler Hotel

Can Hotel

Cüneyt Hotel

Çakmak Hotel

Çambel Hotel

Day Light Hotel

Dejem Hotel

Delta Hotel

Denizli Hotel

Derya Hotel

Emmasaray Hotel

Esen Palas Hotel

Es Hotel

Fuar Hotel

Golden Palace Hotel

Golden Sky Hotel

Gözde Hotel

Grand Fatih Hotel

Grand Liman Hotel

Grand Milano Hotel

Grand Park Hotel

Grand Sammar Hotel

Grand Ümit Hotel

Grand Vatan Hotel

Grand Yıldız Hotel

Hobby Hotel

Harmoni Hotel

Hürriyet Hotel

İnter İstanbul Hotel

İstanbul City Hotel

İstiklal Hotel

Kafkasya Hotel

Kalkan Hotel

Karizma Hotel

Konuklar Hotel

Koza Hotel

Liza Hotel

Malkoç Hotel

Marme Hotel

Mavi Kumsal Hotel

Megara Palas Hotel

Metropoli Hotel

Metro Hotel

Milan Hotel

Montenegro Hotel

Munzur Hotel

Nanda Hotel

Nayla Hotel

Nojnuar Hotel

Orkide Hotel

Ova Hotel

Ömer Hotel

Örün Hotel

Öz Pigal Hotel

Parmalife Hotel

Pluton Hotel

River Hotel

Rossa Hotel

Rouge Noire Hotel

Saat Hotel

Saray Hotel

Seda Hotel

Seren 1 Hotel

Seren 2 Hotel

Snopwilla Hotel

Sultanseye Hotel

Sultans & Kings Hotel

Şahinler Hotel

Şebnem Hotel

The City Hotel

Ümit Hotel

Ümit İstanbul Hotel

White House Hotel

Yaztur Hotel

Yavuz Hotel

Yunus Otel Hotel

Zeugma Hotel

Zümrüt Hotel

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